
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

What does it mean to be a real man in today's world?

What does it mean to be a real man in today's world?   I think that there is no ideal of a "real man" these days. According to stereotypes a gentleman must be strong, without feelings, he does not shed any tears. But all these are only known opinions. We live in such moments when the equality of men and women is so popular that they are treated the same way. So being the real man it just means the same as being a real human,in my opinion it means to be just good. I think that the right man is the person who is not selfish, he tries to help the people around, he respects others, he is honest and I can exchange so many features. But we must remember that being a real gentleman and a woman in these times is quite difficult.

Why do people believe in supernatural things like magic, astrology, ghosts if they have science?

Why do people believe in supernatural things like magic, astrology, ghosts if they have science?   People have believed in supernatural things for ages so they have given their views but due to science this is not as common as it used to be. I think that it depends on someone today. First of all it can be result from the desire for certainty and control over life. The society is not sure of the future, feels fear, so it tries to get to know or predict although it is part of it. The second reason is the fascination with these things. Most young people have contact with science-fiction books or movies and just consider it interesting.

Who or what is blame for obesity in today's world?

Who or what is blame for obesity in today's world?   Over 2.2 billion people in the world are struggling with overweight or obesity so it is about 30 percent of the population. The largest plague of childhood obesity occurs in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. I think that this problem is caused mainly by too easy access to unhealthy food. On television, we still see ads encouraging new chocolate. In addition to supermarkets there are also fast food restaurants. In the majority of places we can meet restuarants with fatty foods that only offer fries, kebabs or cole that is the main factor of people's obesity. On the other hand there are not many places that sell really healthy meals.

Should people spend money on space exploration?

Should people spend money on space exploration?   I am sure that we as a human race must spend money on  space exploration. T he community has been discovering new things for centuries through long-term research, sometimes even expensive. People should broaden their horizons, we can not be closed to new knowledge. It is necessary, if we want to improve the situation of our life on Earth, we should simply get to know the world around us. Maybe there is something there that will help hungry or sick people. The second reason is that our planet becomes more contaminated and dangerous every day. Maybe the day will come when they can not live here. In this case, we must try to be independent and  familiar  with the space.

Is the fact that things lasts much shorter nowadays really so bad ?

Is the fact that things lasts much shorter nowadays really so bad ?  I think that i t isn't strictly true. H owever faster consumption of things causes that we pollute the environment, we use environmental resources for the production of new items.  Of course, to take advantage of the novelty we have to spend money But  thanks to that we can use more and more new technological solutions. The technological progress is so fast now that the TV or computer must have the right software to be able to use the program. So it is not important that we can fix it, it will not give us anything, there must be for example: more memory or faster processor and therefore we are forced to buy a new one.  This all results in the development of technology and maybe improve our comfort.  Although w e do not know what it will take us to...

Would you like to spend a week in the Mandarin Oriental?

Would you like to spend a week in the Mandarin Oriental?   In my opinion spending the week in this hotel is not needed for more happiness. One argument that discourages me is the high price of stay. This is about 600 pounds per night ... I think that London is wonderful in itself and I would like to come there to see the various attractions of this one of the most beautiful cities. But all the monuments are outside, not in the middle of the hotel. I know staying in such a luxury hotel would be unforgettable but I prefer to stay in a cheaper hotel and get to know this British atmosphere in the city center.