
Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2018
Dear Sir,   I am writing in response to your job posting in your accounting department. I would be grateful if you would consider my request for dismissal at James & Mills Co. I am a sixteen-year-old high school student and am very interested in this position. After completing the school I plan to study economics at the Warsaw School of Economics and I am sure that this would be a perfect opportunity for me to develop my experience.   Despite the fact that I have no experience, I often help my mother, who is an accountant, so I have contact with this kind of profession. In addition, I can speak and write in English and French, but I am still learning. In primary school, I was a school newsletter and I was responsible for duties.   I am an independent, creative person and open to new experiences. It easily establishes contacts with people and I carry out the tasks entrusted to me reliably and with commitment. I believe that my skills and enthusiasm for work will allow me to mee

Would you consider going vegan?

Would you consider going vegan?   I think I wouldn't in the near future. The reason is that I like to try new products and I have already faced this type of diet. It lasted about 2 months and unfortunately I can say that it was difficult because the body requires a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates, etc. whereas I did not provide enough, so it did not finish nicely in my case (mainly because I had a terrible iron shortage). The going vegan requires, above all, many ideas and knowledge to replace macronutrients and time to prepare daily meals. With my way of life, I simply do not have the time or the right knowledge to be a vegan. But I will also add, if I have more free time in the future, I will definitely go to the courses and try again.