
My grandfather recently visited me. In view of the fact we have a September, the anniversary of the beginning of the second world we began to mention, actually the grandfather began to mention. Grandfather was born in 1937 and he survived a lot. In Oświęcim his brother died, the other went missing without any knowledge, one of the sisters escaped from the camp and the other was kidnapped on his eyes. Older siblings had to work. Even after the war it was not much better. They had no money, the house was destroyed, everything was destroyed, the parents lost their jobs. They were constantly worried about the rest of the children. Till now they do not know what happened to their eldest son. My grandfather was the youngest. He managed to finish his studies and have a peaceful life. Listening to my grandfather I thought about my life- it is good to live in times of peace and how war is terrible.


  1. It's very moving and interesting but try to make your reflection deeper - devote less space to describing the event and more to the reflection itself. Here you just have one sentence of reflection.

  2. This really interesting story. You can have a real point of view about times when everything was like a challenge.


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