Reflection 8

The first November is approaching and the time when we mention the closest people who left. So my mother told me about my grandfather, how he got sick, he stayed in the hospital for a long time and died. My mother remembered that at that time she often contacted her brother and sister, and they, with her, visited the hospital, cheered my grandmother and each other. When the grandfather died, together, they did all the formalities. My mother's family does not live close to Warsaw, and everyone has their own family and children, each of them was focused on their problems. However, when my grandfather fell ill, it turned out that they are invaluable support and help. Mom understood then that the family really is at all the most important. You can always rely on them, and we also have the pleasure of helping them and supporting them. For sure, the family supports each other not only in critical situations, but we forget about it, we do not care for these relations, but they are important. I think each of us prefers to live in the company of people who care and they accept you because they know you. Although we often argue, we have a different opinion but we should not forget about them.


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