
  I spent the evening with my friend a few years ago. We went for coffee and we were able to talk about life. It was a great time. Suddenly she asked me about my future job, what I'm going to do as I grow up. So I told her that I would like to be a lawyer. At that moment it was my dream job. My friend told it is not a good idea and I can not do it. It is a long and hard road. Especially in Warsaw where there are a lot of lawyers.
  There are always be people who pretend to be concerned, but really they cut us down and criticize us. It is not cool. However, we should change this type of behavior into success and pursue a goal. Without these people, we will not be able to notice important things. I have such an impression that such situations motivate and should motivate you to pursue your dreams. We have to swallow criticism and just do it!


  1. Not many people have such a constructive approach as you. Most feel really put down by comments like these.

  2. For some it could be a motivation, but somebody will simply give up. As you wrote we have to fight with it, to not let anyone ruin our dreams!


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