Are intelligent people more lonely?

   In this case, it is about emotional intelligence and not about wisdom, which is measured by grades. Emotional intelligence means getting to know yourself from sides, self-observation and also the courage to fight with the fear of being strange to society. Many people try to "hide" this kind of a worse part of themselves and they leave only attributes and views accepted by others. The result is insomnia because the person tries to suppress and avoid disturbing thoughts. Unfortunately, there are few people who are honest with each other and ready for exchanging sentences, sharing real feelings and needs. It all makes such people more likely to meet with incomprehension, rejection in the company and feel alone. 


  • to be neglected
    • I have a neglected garden because I have not been at home for six months.
  • frankly
    • I noticed that there are few people who can answer questions frankly.
  • to over-privilege
    • I perhaps over-privileged my skills when I took part in the competition. 


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