Reflection 10

There was a special day and a special time yesterday. As you all know, it is been 100 years since our homeland has regained independence. There were ceremonial celebrations, buildings were lighted by white and red lights, I saw flags everywhere. However, if I had an idea that not 100 but 123 years of Poland was not in the world of maps or in the minds of the most powerful states, I am full of respect for the Poles, who, let is say it honestly, did not remember the free Poland. Despite this they followed our heart and fought for our country, homeland. Some of them could only hear about Poland from their grandparents, because even their parents lived under the annexations. I think that in their hearts there was stilla plan how to make Poland independent. I imagine that it was very difficult. And I am very happy that all this strength and determination was enough for them. I wonder if now my generation would be so determined and valiant. I want to believe that yes.


  1. Let's hope your generation won't have to prove how brave and determined you are to fight for Poland. Just keep idiots and cynics away from the government, pay your taxes and get involved in the day-to-day business of running the country.


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