„Why are alt-right politicians like Bolsonaro becoming more and more popular?”

   We live in a time of large amounts of information, easy access to news. We stop paying attention to some things, because when people appear unconventional, non-formal and characteristic like, for example,  Bolsonaro. We pay attention to them. We usually do not consider the views that they proclaim and they are attracted by their charisma, the strength of the revival, they are courageous in spreading their views. Otherwise, they are usually showmen and they can move perfectly in sociall media. They can afford the best frontman and create their image according to the previously adopted goal. Unfortunately, in general, such people are racists, they do not respect women or the sick. From my observations, it results that despite this difference these views find their supporters. In conclusion, people who are controversial, extraordinary supporters gain more and more followers.


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