Reflection 12

I talked to my aunt recently. My aunt is 42 years old and she is very happy because her dream has come true. She wanted to work in accounting in finance, but unfortunately, life was so arranged that she worked in another department in the administration. Meanwhile, she finished the courses, she read a lot, taught. In the end, she decided to find the first bookkeeping work. The first job she found gave her a lot of satisfaction. After some time she wanted to find a better job, she felt that she already had more experience. It worked and she was very happy. When I think about what happened to my aunts, I can say that it is worth striving for the realization of dreams. If we want to achieve the goal, we must be firm and not break down. I think, however, that it's worth it. Dreams change the gray, common reality into a world in which people do not think only about money. you must fight for your ideas, even if they are run down and difficult.


  1. And in most cases, if you pursue your dream career, the money will somehow come along too. Maybe not at once but in the end it will pay off.


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