People destroy tourist attractions

In today's world, our approach to nature is incomprehensible. On the one hand, we value it, on the other, we exploit its wealth, regardless of the consequences. There is the extinction of species and climate change as a result of such a robbery. The Duckbill, the Tree of Ténéré,  the Aral Sea, the Chacaltaya or Nazca Lines -these are the examples of remarkable treasures of the natural world, which arouse admiration in us. However, we have destroyed them. One of the 10 examples is Maya Beach in Thailand, where marine life has become extinct and a huge part of the coral reef is destroyed.
  • awe
    • Part of people look at the Palace of Culture and Science with awe and part of it without
  • puddle (of something)
    • There was only a puddle instead of a big lake.
  • to be abandoned
    • The abandoned, old buildings attract a lot of people.
  • to deem
    • The Earth was deemed flat by people someday.


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