
   The film tells about diseases in the world. People have contact with her from the beginning. Starting with the usual less-known diseases transmitted by domestic animals, trade, and finally, we have the Black Death, the Great Dying and modern diseases such as HIV / AIDS. Of course, we have the effect, for example, the development of Protestantism, brick buildings instead of wood, but also inoculation and antibiotics. Even now, it is the disease that shapes people's stories despite inventions that should protect us.


  • to chalk up
    • I am proud of him that he chalked up such success.
  • density
    • The density of people inWarsaw is higher than in Poznan.
  • wipe out
    • Some diseases can wipe out a human


  1. Even in such a short text it's good to aim for clarity. For example, in this sentence ("we have the effect, for example, the development of Protestantism") it's not clear the effect of what you're talking about and what is the link between the disease and a new religious movement.


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