
Are intelligent people more lonely?

SUMMARY:        In this case, it is about emotional intelligence and not about wisdom, which is measured by grades. Emotional intelligence means getting to know yourself from sides, self-observation and also the courage to fight with the fear of being strange to society. Many people try to "hide" this kind of a worse part of themselves and they leave only attributes and views accepted by others. The result is insomnia because the person tries to suppress and avoid disturbing thoughts. Unfortunately, there are few people who are honest with each other and ready for exchanging sentences, sharing real feelings and needs. It all makes such people more likely to meet with incomprehension, rejection in the company and feel alone.  VOCABULARY: to be neglected I have a neglected garden because I have not been at home for six months. frankly I noticed that there are few people who can answer questions frankly . to over-privilege I perhaps over-privileged my skills wh

Why Maslow's hierarchy of need matters

SUMMARY:    Maslow's hierarchy of needs matters is one of the most influential ideas in the history of psychology. The article of a 35-year-old Jewish psychologist, Abraham Maslow, first appeared in the United States in 1943. The author wanted to know what would make our life better. He followed the example of people who are chasing money and fame. The entire pyramid consists of three spiritual and two material needs. Starting from the bottom of physical needs and then safety, belongingness, esteem and the most important self-actualization. However, why is Maslow's hierarchy so important in society? Because it is relatively simple, understandable and easily accessible to people. VOCABULARY: belongingness Teenagers need belongingness because they feel lonely and misunderstood without it.  to be close-knit  In adulthood, people are incredibly close-knit with their parents and old traditions. utterly = absolutely Students often seem to be an utterly unin

When someone we love has died

SUMMARY:       One of the worst types of suffering that a person can experience is that which results from the loss of a loved person. This film presents advice and the truth about death. Except for sadness, we also feel anger that we have not managed to do something or show how much we love this person. But this is wrong because the proof of our love is that we are now thinking about them. In addition, we should know that the late person will always be with us and within us. Nobody or anything will separate us. Lover will be with us when making a decision or next love because he or she wants our happiness.  VOCABULARY: to let down He was sorry that he let her down . an ambiguous My teacher gave me an ambiguous  answer to this question.  resentment I felt enormous resentment because of the death of my love person.  THIS FILM

The problem with our phones

SUMMARY:     Over half of people in the world have access to telephones. Of course, they are important and have many advantages. First of all, it is a great comfort, because we have quick access to almost any information. Despite many advantages, there are also disadvantages. Using phones has a big impact on us and our brain, thinking. If we have a problem, we are looking for solutions on the phone. Instead, we should consult with ourselves and give up time and attention to it. We are often afraid or do not want to be alone with our thoughts. As a result, we are looking for a companion, who is a telephone. This is a wrong circle because nobody wants his phone to be smarter than him. VOCABULARY: obscure  There are always a lot of obscure issues during the new lesson to keep track of something I always have to keep track of my responsibilities. to be inclined Not everyone is inclined to help others. THIS FILM

Why some countries are poor and others rich?

SUMMARY:    In the current world, there are rich countries and poor. Why and what does it depend on? The most significant reason is a good institution because the government decides what the taxes are going on. In rich countries, taxes go to good goals, for example: healthcare, police. In contrast to the poor, where corruption is normal. The second reason is culture, that is what people think, but also what they believe. It turns out that the more religious a country, the poorer. Wealthiness depends also on 10% of geographical location. The poor countries are usually located in tropical regions, where the hot climate wrong affects the plants. In addition, there are many diseases that kill domesticated animals and people. VOCABULARY: to get a better grip on something Rich people have a problem with getting a better grip on the difficulties of the poor person.   to be enhance d overwhelmingly THIS FILM


SUMMARY:    The film tells about diseases in the world. People have contact with her from the beginning. Starting with the usual less-known diseases transmitted by domestic animals, trade, and finally, we have the Black Death, the Great Dying and modern diseases such as HIV / AIDS. Of course, we have the effect, for example, the development of Protestantism, brick buildings instead of wood, but also  inoculation  and antibiotics. Even now, it is the disease that shapes people's stories despite inventions that should protect us. VOCABULARY: to chalk up I am proud of him that he chalked up such success. density The density of people inWarsaw is higher than in Poznan. wipe out Some diseases can wipe out a human THIS FILM

How and why we read?

SUMMARY:   Why is reading so important? Reading is not only a conversation between the reader and the author but gives the readers many benefits. First of all, we have a fuller understanding of life, it makes people understand their own stories, problems and happiness gives us the opportunity to change, or be more empathetic. Writers have a difficult task to give readers exactly what they want. However, they are supported by a figure of speech, such as metaphor, hyperbole, prepositions. Without them, the authors could not describe unique things, which are difficult to describe. VOCABULARY ITEMS: to erect  We can not be closed and unpleasant for people, because then we erect a barrier between us and others.  urge Some people fell the urge to be alone and others want to be still among people.  to get dumped  He gets dumped  by his girl because she did not love him.  privilege  Being a pensioner is a privilege. THIS FILM