Why some countries are poor and others rich?

   In the current world, there are rich countries and poor. Why and what does it depend on? The most significant reason is a good institution because the government decides what the taxes are going on. In rich countries, taxes go to good goals, for example: healthcare, police. In contrast to the poor, where corruption is normal. The second reason is culture, that is what people think, but also what they believe. It turns out that the more religious a country, the poorer. Wealthiness depends also on 10% of geographical location. The poor countries are usually located in tropical regions, where the hot climate wrong affects the plants. In addition, there are many diseases that kill domesticated animals and people.


  • to get a better grip on something
    • Rich people have a problem with getting a better grip on the difficulties of the poor person.  
  • to be enhanced

  • overwhelmingly


  1. I find the link between religion and wealth quite fascinating. Also, isn't it generally easier to survive in a warmer climate? People originated in Africa after all. Why then are northern countries, where survival requires a lot of effort, the richest in the world?


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