
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2018

Reflection 8

The first November is approaching and the time when we mention the closest people who left. So my mother told me about my grandfather, how he got sick, he stayed in the hospital for a long time and died. My mother remembered that at that time she often contacted her brother and sister, and they, with her, visited the hospital, cheered my grandmother and each other. When the grandfather died, together, they did all the formalities. My mother's family does not live close to Warsaw, and everyone has their own family and children, each of them was focused on their problems. However, when my grandfather fell ill, it turned out that they are invaluable support and help. Mom understood then that the family really is at all the most important. You can always rely on them, and we also have the pleasure of helping them and supporting them. For sure, the family supports each other not only in critical situations, but we forget about it, we do not care for these relations, but they are impo


My mother's friend often watches various films on the internet. She recently found a movie from the series "7 meters underground" and watched a film about a boy with epilepsy. The boy tells how people should behave to help such patients during an attack, so as not to harm themselves and others. Last week it turned out that they were working with a girl suffering from epilepsy. And she got the attack. Nobody knew what to do, besides this friend. When my mother told me that, I was reflected. Despite the fact that there are many unsuitable amounts on the internet. Wisely choosing, we will find programs or films that can save the life or health of another person or ours. The internet can be a source of education and entertainment, but at the same time, it is the first step to addiction. We should not negative the Internet or television as "time wasters", but only to look for and receive the programs that we watch.


I was with a friend on Saturday on a day open to the university, where I would probably like to study. There were a lot of students, the atmosphere was great, I was also at the lecture and in general, I liked everything. But when I returned home, I realized that I am so mature and that the time of a carefree life was gone forever. The future is coming closer. Despite my speculation, it made me sad. At home, Iooked at my brother's year-old and with jealous in my heart I thought that he still had all his life, but me? I have only adulthood. Of course, there are also the advantages of this situation, I will be able to make decisions myself, but I have noticed exceptionally minus points. It may affect younger siblings, maybe just like that. I have such reflections that we should be happy with each stage in our lives because time passes quickly and everything is done with it.


I had many plans for the next weekend. I planned to go to the museum at the end of the exhibition, spend time with my cousin and go to my friend's birthday. I've been waiting for this party for several weeks ... On Thursday morning I got a cold, a fever in the afternoon and a headache came. On Friday it was a tragedy. I felt terrible. I fought. I went to my friend's birthday. After an hour I felt so bad that I had to come home. On Saturday it turned out that the whole weekend I will spend in bed. Thereupon, I am very saddened by the reflexion that we can plan, but life still brings us our solutions. Of course, planning is important as much as striving to pursue your own dreams. Unfortunately, we need to remember and take a correction for a random factor, for example, an unexpected illness. It is important to remember that it may happen to others and we should not have any regrets and assumption about people. If someone would suddenly cancel a meeting or if their parents