
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2018

Reflection 11

   Last Thursday I came back by car with my dad from a workout. It was very dark and long after the 20th. It was raining. When my dad parked, he suddenly asked me, "What's up there by the bushes?" At the first moment, I thought about a gangster, a thief who was caught doing an "act". I shouted terribly. It was different in my father's situation, who was looking at this something with horror, he thought that there was a pushchair of my younger brother. In the end, it turned out that it was just a  toy - a big bike, which is not terrible rain. This event shows me and my whole family that we as people have different fears. Perhaps it depends on our age. After the horrifying words of my dad, the bandit seemed to be the most terrible to me at the moment. For my father, it was that his child's buggy would get wet. We both imagined quite two different things. Our fears change with age?

Reflection 10

There was a special day and a special time yesterday. As you all know, it is been 100 years since our homeland has regained independence. There were ceremonial celebrations, buildings were lighted by white and red lights, I saw flags everywhere. However, if I had an idea that not 100 but 123 years of Poland was not in the world of maps or in the minds of the most powerful states, I am full of respect for the Poles, who, let is say it honestly, did not remember the free Poland. Despite this they followed our heart and fought for our country, homeland. Some of them could only hear about Poland from their grandparents, because even their parents lived under the annexations. I think that in their hearts there was stilla plan how to make Poland independent. I imagine that it was very difficult. And I am very happy that all this strength and determination was enough for them. I wonder if now my generation would be so determined and valiant. I want to believe that yes.
„Why are alt-right politicians like Bolsonaro becoming more and more popular?”     We live in a time of large amounts of information, easy access to news. We stop paying attention to some things, because when people appear unconventional, non-formal and characteristic like, for example,  Bolsonaro. We pay attention to them. We usually do not consider the views that they proclaim and they are attracted by their charisma, the strength of the revival, they are courageous in spreading their views. Otherwise, they are usually showmen and they can move perfectly in sociall media. They can afford the best frontman and create their image according to the previously adopted goal. Unfortunately, in general, such people are racists, they do not respect women or the sick. From my observations, it results that despite this difference these views find their supporters . In conclusion, people who are controversial, extraordinary supporters gain more and more followers.